Imagine ShaderToy, on a Manim-like Architecture. That's ShaderFlowLinks: Quick Start • Releases • PyPI • Cloud/Docker • Cloning • Documentation
Extras: YouTube
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🔥 Description¶
ShaderFlow is a complete Tool for Artists, Musicians and Shader Enthusiasts
A Framework for Creating, Exporting Real Time and Audio Reactive Shaders
- 🛡️ Open source: trust and transparency, cross platform, configurable
- 🧸 80% ShaderToy compatible, easily transfer your knowledge
- 📔 Video codecs: easily export to H264, HEVC, AV1, (+NVENC)
- 🚀 Physics-like animations with control systems dynamics
- 🔱 High quality: any resolution, framerate, bitrate, SSAA
- 🎵 Audio reactive: live music, professional video
- 🌊 Audio waveforms and oscilloscope support
- 🎥 Video as texture: real time 4k processing
- ♻️ Live reload shaders, instant feedback
- 🎨 No watermarks, user first experience
- ⏳ Perfect frametimes, no jitter, no lag
- 🌵 Fastest rendering times in the west
- 👁 Built-in camera 2D, 3D, 360°, VR
📸 Showcase¶
🎧 • Remember to Enable Audio on the Videos !
Video: Music Visualizer Tech Demo Scene. Sources: Music and Image. Property of their original owners ⚖️
Video: Music Bars Tech Demo Scene. Sources: Music. Property of their original owners ⚖️
Video: Real Time Piano Roll Tech Demo Scene. Sources: Salamander Grand Piano by Alexander Holm, CC BY 3.0 and Midi File for the composition Flight of The Bumblebee by Rimsky Korsakov. Property of their original owners ⚖️
Video: Educational Scene about Parallel Plates Capacitor. Source: Coded myself long ago.
📦 Installation¶
Head out to the official website for the latest installation instructions and more!