gitsubmoduleforeach--recursive'git checkout main || true'
Create venv and install dependencies
Start using any Project
Activate the venv
# Windows:
.venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1# PowerShell
.venv\Scripts\Activate.bat# CMD# Linux and MacOS:source.venv/bin/activate# Bashsource.venv/bin/ Fish
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh# (c) MIT License, Tremeschin# Script version: 2024.11.10# This function reloads the "PATH" environment variable so that we can# find newly installed applications on the same script executionfunctionReload-Path{$wingetPath=$env:LocalAppData+"\Microsoft\WindowsApps"$machinePath=[System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine")$userPath=[System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","User")$env:Path=$machinePath+";"+$userPath+";"+$wingetPath}# Option to continue normally even on errorsfunctionAsk-Continue{echo "`nPress Enter to continue normally, or Ctrl+C to exit"Read-Host}# Consistency in showing stepsfunctionPrint-Step{echo "`n:: $args`n"}# This function immediately exits if Winget is found, else it tries to install it with# the official Microsoft docs 'Add-AppxPackage' method. If it still fails, it tries# to download the Appx package (.msibundle) and install it manually.functionHave-Winget{Reload-Pathif((Get-Commandwinget-ErrorActionSilentlyContinue)){return}Print-Step"Installing Winget"# Attempt via: Attempt manual method if still not foundif(-not(Get-Commandwinget-ErrorActionSilentlyContinue)){echo "Winget installation with Add-AppxPackage failed, trying 'manual' method.."Print-Step"Downloading Winget installer, might take a while.."# Why tf does disabling progress bar yields 50x faster downloads?????$msi=""$tempFile=[System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()+"\winget.msixbundle"$ProgressPreference='SilentlyContinue'Invoke-WebRequest-Uri$msi-OutFile$tempFile# Install the Appx packageecho "Finished download, now installing it, can take a while on HDDs systems.."Add-AppxPackage-Path$tempFileReload-Path}# If Winget is still not available, exitif(-not(Get-Commandwinget-ErrorActionSilentlyContinue)){Print-Step"Winget was not found, and installation failed with Add-AppxPackage"echo "Winget was installed but still not found. Probably a Path issue or installation failure"echo "> Please get it at"echo "> Alternatively, install manually what was meant to be installed but failed"Ask-Continue}}if(-not(Get-Commandgit-ErrorActionSilentlyContinue)){Print-Step"Git was not found, installing with Winget"Have-Wingetwingetinstall-e--idGit.GitReload-Pathif(-not(Get-Commandgit-ErrorActionSilentlyContinue)){Print-Step"Git was not found, and installation failed with Winget"echo "Git was installed but still not found. Probably a Path issue or installation failure"echo "> Please get it at"Ask-Continue}else{echo "Git was installed successfully"}}else{Print-Step"Updating Git"wingetupgrade--idGit.Git}if(-not(Get-Commanduv-ErrorActionSilentlyContinue)){Print-Step"uv was not found, installing with Winget"Have-Wingetwingetinstall-e--id=astral-sh.uvReload-Pathif(-not(Get-Commanduv-ErrorActionSilentlyContinue)){Print-Step"uv was not found, and installation failed with Winget"echo "uv was installed but still not found. Probably a Path issue or installation failure"echo "> Please get it at"Ask-Continue}else{echo "uv was installed successfully"}}else{Print-Step"Updating uv"wingetupgrade--idastral-sh.uv}# # Clone the Repositories, Install Python Dependencies on venv and Spawn a new Shell# Skip cloning if already on a cloned directoryif(-not(Test-Path-Path"Broken")){Print-Step"Cloning BrokenSource Repository and all Submodules"gitclone BrokenSourcePrint-Step"Checking out main branch for all submodules"gitsubmoduleforeach--recursive'git checkout main || true'}else{Print-Step"Already in a Cloned Directory, Skipping Cloning"}# The PowerShell execution policy must allow for the Python activation script to runif((Get-ExecutionPolicy)-notin@("Unrestricted","RemoteSigned","Bypass")){echo "`n(Warning) The current PowerShell ExecutionPolicy disallows activating the Python venv"echo "> More info:"echo "> Need any of: 'Unrestricted', 'RemoteSigned', or 'Bypass'"echo "> Current ExecutionPolicy: '$(Get-ExecutionPolicy)'"echo "`nDon't worry, we just need to run as admin the following:"echo "> 'Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned'`n"Read-Host"Press Enter to do it, or Ctrl+C to exit"Start-Processpowershell-VerbRunAs-ArgumentList"-Command Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned"}Print-Step"Creating Virtual Environment and Installing Dependencies"uvsync--all-packagesPrint-Step"Spawning a new Shell in the Virtual Environment"powershell-ExecutionPolicyBypass-NoLogo-NoExit-File.\.venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1
#!/bin/bash# (c) MIT License, Tremeschin# Script version: 2024.11.10{# Prevent execution if partially downloaded# Exit on any error or failed command (includes pipes)set -euopipefail# Detect current systemMACOS=false[["$OSTYPE"=="darwin"*]]&&MACOS=true# macOS: Must have 'Xcode Command Line Tools' installedif$MACOS;thenif[!xcode-select-p&>/dev/null];thenprintf"(Error) Xcode Command Line Tools are not installed\n"printf"• Install them with 'xcode-select --install'\n"printf"• Run again this script after installation\n"exit1fifi# Must have 'git' installedgit=""if[-x"$(command-vgit)"];thengit=$(readlink-f$(whichgit))printf"\n• Found Git at ($git)\n"elseprintf"\n(Error) Git wasn't found, and is required to clone the repositories\n"printf"• Get it at (, or from your distro:\n"printf"• macOS: 'brew install git' - needs (\n"printf"• Ubuntu: 'sudo apt update && sudo apt install git'\n"printf"• Arch: 'sudo pacman -Syu git'\n"printf"• Fedora: 'sudo dnf install git'\n"exit1fi# Must have 'uv' installeduv=""forattemptin$(seq12);doif[-x"$(command-vuv)"];thenuv=$(readlink-f$(whichuv))printf"\n• Found uv at ($uv)\n"breakfiif[$attempt-eq2];thenprintf"\n(Error) uv wasn't found after an installation attempt\n"printf"• Do you have the Shims directory on PATH?\n"printf"• Try restarting the Shell and retrying\n"printf"• Get it at (\n"exit1fiprintf"\n• uv wasn't found, will attempt to install it\n\n"/bin/bash-c"$(curl -sSfL"done# # Clone the Repositories, Install Python Dependencies on venv and Spawn a new Shell# Already inside a git repositoryifgitrev-parse--is-inside-work-tree&>/dev/null;thenwork_tree=$(gitrev-parse--show-toplevel)# Must be on BrokenSource to continueif(cd "$work_tree"&&gitremoteget-urlorigin2>/dev/null|grep-q"BrokenSource");thenprintf"\n• Already inside the BrokenSource main repository\n"printf" - For latest changes, run 'Scripts/'\n"cd "$work_tree"elseprintf"\n(Error) Currently in a non-BrokenSource main git epository, exiting\n"exit1fi# Directory existselif[-d"BrokenSource"];thenprintf"\n• BrokenSource directory exists. Assuming it's the repository\n"printf" - On errors, try deleting the directory and run again\n"printf" - For latest changes, run 'Scripts/'\n"cd BrokenSource# Fresh cloneelseprintf"\n• Cloning BrokenSource Repository and all Submodules\n\n"$gitclone BrokenSourceprintf"\n• Checking out main branch for all submodules\n\n"$gitsubmoduleforeach--recursive'git checkout main || true'fi# Make scripts executable for later usechmod+xWebsite/get.shchmod+x./Scripts/activate.shprintf"\n• Creating Virtual Environment and Installing Dependencies\n\n"$uvselfupdate||printf"\n• uv self update failed, ignoring..\n\n"$uvsync--all-packages||printf"\n• uv sync failed, could cause issues..\n\n"printf"\n• Spawning a new Shell in the Virtual Environment\n"printf" - Source the Virtual Environment to get here again\n"printf" - Tip: Alternative, run 'Scripts/'\n\n"source.venv/bin/activateexec$SHELL}