File: DepthFlow/
DepthFlow.State ¶
VignetteState ¶
Bases: BrokenModel
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enable ¶
enable: Annotated[bool, BrokenTyper.exclude()] = Field(
Enable this vignette (darken corners) effect
intensity ¶
intensity: Annotated[
float, Option(--intensity, -i, min=0, max=100)
] = Field(30.0)
The intensity of the effect (darken amount on edges)
decay ¶
decay: Annotated[
float, Option(--decay, -d, min=0, max=1)
] = Field(0.1)
A decay of one starts the effect in the middle of the screen
pipeline ¶
pipeline() -> Iterable[ShaderVariable]
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21 22 23 24 |
LensState ¶
Bases: BrokenModel
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enable ¶
enable: Annotated[bool, BrokenTyper.exclude()] = Field(
Enable this lens distortion effect
intensity ¶
intensity: Annotated[
float, Option(--intensity, -i, min=0, max=4)
] = Field(0.3)
The intensity of the effect (blur amount on edges)
decay ¶
decay: Annotated[
float, Option(--decay, -d, min=0, max=2)
] = Field(0.4)
A decay of one starts the effect in the middle of the screen
quality ¶
quality: Annotated[
int, Option(--quality, -q, min=0, max=50)
] = Field(30)
The quality of the effect (samples per pixel)
pipeline ¶
pipeline() -> Iterable[ShaderVariable]
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41 42 43 44 45 |
BlurState ¶
Bases: BrokenModel
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enable ¶
enable: Annotated[bool, BrokenTyper.exclude()] = Field(
Enable this depth of field (blur) effect
intensity ¶
intensity: Annotated[
float, Option(--intensity, -i, min=0, max=2)
] = Field(1.0)
The intensity of the effect (blur radius)
start ¶
start: Annotated[
float, Option(--start, -a, min=0, max=1)
] = Field(0.6)
The effect starts at this depth value
end ¶
end: Annotated[float, Option(--end, -b, min=0, max=1)] = (
The effect ends at this depth value
exponent ¶
exponent: Annotated[
float, Option(--exponent, -x, min=0, max=8)
] = Field(2.0)
Shaping exponent of the start and end interpolation
quality ¶
quality: Annotated[
int, Option(--quality, -q, min=1, max=16)
] = Field(4)
The quality of the effect (radial sampling steps)
directions ¶
directions: Annotated[
int, Option(--directions, -d, min=1, max=32)
] = Field(16)
The quality of the effect (radial sampling directions)
pipeline ¶
pipeline() -> Iterable[ShaderVariable]
Source code in Projects/DepthFlow/DepthFlow/
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 |
InpaintState ¶
Bases: BrokenModel
Source code in Projects/DepthFlow/DepthFlow/
82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 |
enable ¶
enable: Annotated[bool, BrokenTyper.exclude()] = Field(
Enable the inpainting effect (masks stretchy regions for advanced usage)
black ¶
black: Annotated[bool, Option(--black, -b)] = Field(False)
Replace non-steep regions with black color instead of the base image
limit ¶
limit: Annotated[
float, Option(--limit, -l, min=0, max=20)
] = Field(1.0)
The threshold for the steepness of the regions (heuristic)
pipeline ¶
pipeline() -> Iterable[ShaderVariable]
Source code in Projects/DepthFlow/DepthFlow/
92 93 94 95 |
ColorState ¶
Bases: BrokenModel
Source code in Projects/DepthFlow/DepthFlow/
99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 |
enable ¶
enable: Annotated[bool, BrokenTyper.exclude()] = Field(
Enable color manipulation effects
saturation ¶
saturation: Annotated[
float, Option(--saturation, -s, min=0, max=200)
] = Field(100.0)
Saturation of the image (0 is grayscale, 100 is original, makes colors more vibrant)
contrast ¶
contrast: Annotated[
float, Option(--contrast, -c, min=0, max=200)
] = Field(100.0)
Contrast of the image (0 is full gray, 100 is original, increases difference between light and dark)
brightness ¶
brightness: Annotated[
float, Option(--brightness, -b, min=0, max=200)
] = Field(100.0)
Brightness of the image (0 is black, 100 is original, increases overall lightness)
gamma ¶
gamma: Annotated[
float, Option(--gamma, -g, min=0, max=400)
] = Field(100.0)
Gamma of the image (0 is black, 100 is original, increases brightness 'shaping' curve)
grayscale ¶
grayscale: Annotated[
float, Option(--grayscale, -x, min=0, max=100)
] = Field(0.0)
Grayscale effect of the image (0 is full color, 100 is grayscale)
sepia ¶
sepia: Annotated[
float, Option(--sepia, -n, min=0, max=200)
] = Field(0.0)
Sepia effect of the image (0 is grayscale, 100 is full sepia, a brownish nostalgic tint)
pipeline ¶
pipeline() -> Iterable[ShaderVariable]
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121 122 123 124 125 126 127 |
DepthState ¶
Bases: BrokenModel
Set effect parameters, animations might override them!
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height ¶
height: Annotated[
float, Option(--height, -h, min=0, max=2)
] = Field(0.1)
Depthmap's peak value, the parallax intensity
steady ¶
steady: Annotated[
float, Option(--steady, -s, min=0, max=1)
] = Field(0.0)
Focal depth plane of offsets (A value of 0 makes the background stationary; and 1 for the foreground)
focus ¶
focus: Annotated[
float, Option(--focus, -f, min=0, max=1)
] = Field(0.0)
Focal depth plane of perspective (A value of 0 makes the background stationary; and 1 for the foreground)
zoom ¶
zoom: Annotated[
float, Option(--zoom, -z, min=0, max=2)
] = Field(1.0)
Camera zoom factor (0.25 means a quarter of the image is visible)
isometric ¶
isometric: Annotated[
float, Option(--isometric, -i, min=0, max=1)
] = Field(0.0)
Isometric factor of camera projections (0 is full perspective, 1 is orthographic)
dolly ¶
dolly: Annotated[
float, Option(--dolly, -d, min=0, max=20)
] = Field(0.0)
Natural isometric changes (Moves back ray projections origins by this amount)
invert ¶
invert: Annotated[
float, Option(--invert, -v, min=0, max=1)
] = Field(0.0)
Interpolate depth values between (0=far, 1=near) and vice-versa, as in mix(height, 1-height, invert)
mirror ¶
mirror: Annotated[bool, Option(--mirror, -m, " /-n")] = (
Apply GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT to the image (The image is mirrored out of bounds on the respective edge)
offset_x ¶
offset_x: Annotated[
float, Option(--offset - x, --ofx, min=-4, max=4)
] = Field(0.0)
Horizontal parallax displacement, change this over time for the 3D effect
offset_y ¶
offset_y: Annotated[
float, Option(--offset - y, --ofy, min=-1, max=1)
] = Field(0.0)
Vertical parallax displacement, change this over time for the 3D effect
offset ¶
offset: tuple[float, float]
Parallax displacement vector, change this over time for the 3D effect
center_x ¶
center_x: Annotated[
float, Option(--center - x, --cex, min=-4, max=4)
] = Field(0.0)
Horizontal 'true' offset of the camera, the camera is above this point
center_y ¶
center_y: Annotated[
float, Option(--center - y, --cey, min=-1, max=1)
] = Field(0.0)
Vertical 'true' offset of the camera, the camera is above this point
center ¶
center: tuple[float, float]
'True' offset vector of the camera, the camera is above this point
origin_x ¶
origin_x: Annotated[
float, Option(--origin - x, --orx, min=-4, max=4)
] = Field(0.0)
Horizontal focal point of the offsets, as if the camera was above this point
origin_y ¶
origin_y: Annotated[
float, Option(--origin - y, --ory, min=-1, max=1)
] = Field(0.0)
Vertical focal point of the offsets, as if the camera was above this point
origin ¶
origin: tuple[float, float]
Focal point vector of the offsets, as if the camera was above this point
vignette ¶
vignette: Annotated[
VignetteState, BrokenTyper.exclude()
] = Field(default_factory=VignetteState)
inpaint ¶
inpaint: Annotated[InpaintState, BrokenTyper.exclude()] = (
colors ¶
colors: Annotated[ColorState, BrokenTyper.exclude()] = (
pipeline ¶
pipeline() -> Iterable[ShaderVariable]
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